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Forum Posts

DebbiSaccomanno Chan
Jun 20, 2024
In General Discussions
Why is the FROG inside BIG BIRD'S MOUTH? I have had several people question why I did certain paintings or videos. They don't understand. And that is exciting because it means you are thinking. Now if I were to tell you my interpretations of certain works I created, you wouldn't have to think any farther. i paint so that the viewer can use their creative minds to figure out WHY or WHAT the painting or video is all about. And because creativity doesn't have to be only one story and there is no right or wrong story, I ask you. WHY IS THE FROG INSIDE THE MOUTH OF A BIG BIRD? You can work with a child or another adult. Or in a group get together. Ask , WHY about life in general.
WHY? content media
DebbiSaccomanno Chan
Dec 27, 2022
In General Discussions
How often do you like to see gallery exhibitions change? Is a month too long? Too short? What about editing an older exhibition so that it has new pictures in with the older ones? I would love your input on this. I have several virtual galleries. @artgatevr
DebbiSaccomanno Chan
Apr 04, 2021
In General Discussions
How many of you art lovers, be it artists or collectors or just someone who likes to look at art, have tried looking at your favorite artists or favorite art wearing a virtual reality headset(VR) ? I broke down about three years ago and got the Oculus/Rift so i could paint in VR. But I get alot of joy and relaxation from seeing art in virtual reality. I have a few different headsets and they do not have to be top of the line to enjoy. Virtual reality puts the viewer IN THE PAINTING instead of LOOKING IN at it. Let me hear some of your thoughts.
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DebbiSaccomanno Chan
Jan 15, 2021
In General Discussions
Welcome to the Wix Forum. Use your forum as a discussion board to talk about topics linked to your website. Here are some tips for how to get started. Write a Welcome Post Greet visitors to your forum with a warm welcome message. Tell people what your forum is about and what to expect. You can also share this post on your social media sites to get things going and attract your first members. Add Categories Categories let users easily navigate your forum and find the topics they are looking for. Add your own categories to suit your site or business. Join the Wix Forum Community This is a community made just for you, Wix Forum fans. Get the latest updates, ask questions and share your wishes for new features. Check it out. Customize Anything Get your forum looking just the way you want. Open your forum settings to choose from different layouts, edit your text and more. Enjoy using your forum!
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DebbiSaccomanno Chan

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